Midwest BankCentre Nov. 17 Grand Opening

Midwest BankCentre will be opening its first branch in Pagedale, MO on November 17 2012. The branch will be at the Rosie Shields Manor, a senior living facility constructed by Beyond Housing as part of the organization’s 24:1 Initiative. The branch will be the first full-service bank in Pagedale, a milestone in financial inclusion for the community. Midwest will also offer monthly financial education workshops on budgeting, credit management, and identity theft. The grand opening ceremony will be from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, November 17, and it will include food, games, and other family activities.

The new branch is one of the major steps Midwest BankCentre has made to strengthen its commitment to community reinvestment in St. Louis. Last year SLEHCRA had applauded Midwest BankCentre’s commitments to the community. Today, we applaud the bank for carrying through this important commitment.

St. Louis American’s coverage of the story