Midwest Bank Centre To Add North City Location!

As a result of SLEHCRA’s work to expand banking access in minority communities, Midwest BankCentre will be opening a branch inside Friendly Temple! We are thrilled to see traditional banking beginning to return to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd. SLEHCRA will continue to advocate for more traditional banking and less predatory check cashing stores. From Pastor Jones:

“We are pleased to partner with Midwest BankCentre to provide financial services to residents and businesses in the Martin Luther King Corridor, a community that has struggled to regain its prominence and realize its potential,” said Senior Pastor Michael Jones. “This groundbreaking collaboration underscores Friendly Temple’s community focus by empowering Corridor families with financial resources and education, and equipping local retail partners with tools to help them succeed.”

Read the full story in the St. Louis American.